Wednesday, May 6, 2009

What else is new?

This weekend, we're going to the New Hampshire Sheep and Wool Festival.  If the weather's good, it's always fun to wander around and see all the cool colors and fibers and then hang out watching the dog trials.  You would not believe how much those border collies can do.

If the weather's not so good, it can get a little old, mostly because you can't escape the crowd and it gets hot and stuffy in the buildings.  Those of you who know me well know just how much I enjoy hot stuffy crowded places.

This is definitely getting into the crazy-busy time of year for me.  Sheep & Wool this weekend.  Jerusalem Mills next weekend.  Memorial Day after that...and then we're into June.  June includes the end of the school year, which means work finishing up the year but also means Teddy will be graduating.  June also includes my high school reunion.  I'll leave it to somebody else to reveal how many years I've been out of high school.  Let's just say that my eldest is also out of high school...

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