Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The More it Snows

So, with all the ridiculous snow we've had of late, I thought it was time to strike back.  So I invite you to submit snow/winter/weather based limericks and haiku.  No prizes (except bragging rights), but maybe we can warm ourselves up a bit.

The snow keeps falling
The banks grow ever taller 
The world turns to white


There once was a person from Concord
Who found the snow driving him bonkers
With redoubts made of snow
And with trenches below
In Concord we'll never be conquered

OK, so maybe not my best efforts ever, but it's a start.
Enhanced by Zemanta


Naomi Zikmund-Fisher said...

Careful with your wish
Flushing ice cubes down toilets
Leads to shoveling

Naomi Zikmund-Fisher said...

Hardy Conantum
Folks know that a blizzard must
Have at least two feet
(with a shout out to Sue Curtain)

VirginiaO'Possum said...

Storm haiku.
Camberville warning
Ice, treacherous, under
New snow. Tread with care!

Abraham Fisher said...

A few folks have given me their submissions via other here they are:

From Abby Fisher:

My walk is froze, tiddly pum
my drive is froze, tiddly pum
and if it goes, tiddly pum, on snowing, on snowing...

The more it snows, tiddly pum
The snow mounds grow, tiddly pum
and if ti goes, tiddly pum on snowing, on snowing.....

From Franklin Fisher (who seems to credit me with this one--I thought it was him):

Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village, though.
He will not mind my stopping here
To watch his woods fill up and fill up and fill up ...


Apparently some members of my family are a little unclear on the concept of Haiku and Limericks :)